Thursday, March 10, 2011

Creative Pursuits

25. Write a story from the perspective of the parents who tried to sell their newborn baby on the Internet for $10,000.

My husband and I tried to sell our baby on Craigslist for $10000. People seem to have a problem with this for some unknown reason. If I can grow a flower and sell it on the internet than why cant I grow a baby and sell it as well? I dont see what the big deal is anyway that baby will obviously be in a nice home because the parents were willing to pay so much for this child. I mean its not like a pedophiles gonna buy our baby, what are the chances of that? Most people think we did it to make money but thats not the reason at all. We clearly did it for the interest of our baby. So what if we get a little bit of money out of it, our baby is the one who's really getting the good fortune. That child will get a wonderful home with a wonderful family and get to grow up knowing that they were sold for $10000, thats a lot of money. I can see it now, at 20 years of age, no longer a child, walking with their head held high because they know that they are worth a whopping $10000. We will gladly take full credit for that childs bragging rights. I'm sure my husband and I aren't the only couple trying to make a few dollars off our child anyway. We're simply just the most creative.

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