Friday, April 29, 2011

Walk a Paragraph

I walked over to my door and didn't bother looking through the peep hole since it had become a daily routine for my friend to wake me up with that incessive knocking. He bantered at me to get ready so we could begin walking to the mall. I took a shower and got dressed, pulling up my suspenders one arm at a time and grabbed my old grey tattered hat that completed my outfit. I walked out of my room and saw my old comrade waiting for me on the couch having helped himself to a glass of water. "Lets go" he said placing the glass on the table and leading the way towards the exit. After jiggling the door handle to make sure it was locked, my friend held his hand out to take the key from me so that I wouldn't lose it. We both walked in silence with slow strides inching our way closer to the mall. He grabbed the door handle and held it open as I walked through thanking him on the way in. Our eyes were planted on our spot, the two seater table closest to where the giant chess board had been. I sat there reading the newspaper my friend had brought while he unpacked the thermos and sandwiches his wife had packed for us. After we had taken the last few bites of our egg salad sandwiches and drank the remaining sips of our coffee I wiped away the crumbs into my hand and walked over to the garbage followed by my dear friend. And so we began our journey to the chess board where an exciting yet intense game was to be played.

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