Thursday, June 9, 2011

Creativity Continued

I watched my feet as they stomped on the ground moving me closer to my destination, the air pushing against my face, my cheeks going red. My breathing had become louder and faster, I could feel my legs giving in. I yelled out and the bus driver saw me and waited as I got on.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog choice: rant

I remember waking up earlier than I needed to on a school day, pouring myself a bowl of Nestle Quick cereal and turning on the tv to watch Little Lulu before I had to go. Singing along to the theme song "Little Lulu, Little Lulu, the freckles on your skin, always..." well you get the point. The Golden days they call them, the days when you were a kid and all you wanted to do was watch your favourite cartoon on tv. Now when I turn on the tv I barely see any cartoons and the shows that do air are hardly ever original. I miss the "classics", called the classics not due to the fact that they were made "back in the day" but because they're original, the days when the word "spin off" was never uttered. The shows then weren't afraid of comedy, they weren't afraid of being bold and making a joke that may offend some people if it meant laughter for so many more. Now everything is offensive to parents if it regards their children "I can't believe this show! how dare they teach my child to lie to a teacher" sorry TJ, looks like you and the rest of the Recess gang aren't tricking your way out of this one. Those lies taught us so much though, like how bad you feel after deceiving someone, the power of doing the right thing or how fun it is to pull the wool over somebodies eyes. Even the educational shows were fun to watch, I know you all know what I'm talking about, Ms. Frizzle and her magic school bus, such an unreal concept yet so unbelievably entertaining. I know the networks today wouldn't dare to air such a show as Johnny Bravo, one of my favourites, a middle aged Elvis fanatic that lived with his mother but still tried to pick up the ladies. Remember those skimpy clothes the women used to wear? And how Johnny always found a way to objectify the woman, or the fact that he got shot down more times than any man alive today. That made for a great cartoon, no thought as to whether anyone would get offended or that he wasn't a successful family man like they all seem to be today, all anyone knew was that he was funny and that was enough. So I say bring back the classics, no more spin offs of fashionable rockstar/teen girls going to college. Lets learn our lessons ourselves instead of them being made so obvious and having Hannah Montana say to her dad "you're right daddy I did a wrong thing because....". I'm tired of bad tv and I know that I'm not the only one who wants to relive their golden days.

The road less traveled

1. As a female from India my mom knew that she was meant to get married and have kids and the only job in her future was taking care of her family. When I asked her what she wanted to do with her life as a child she said she never thought about it seeing how it was pointless to want something that she thought she couldn't have. My mom works at a farm now and everyday she has to drag herself out of bed and force herself to go work in the sun with mosquitos and spiders picking grapes and other painfully boring and repetitive tasks. So I asked her what she would rather be now instead of an orchard worker and she said more than anything she would love to be a police officer for the uniform. Its hard to make yourself do something if you know you dont want to especially if you know that there's something else you'de rather be doing. I believe passion is very important when it comes to choosing a career path. A job isn't just something you're going to do for one day it's something that you have to work hard in and do every day for a long time. My mom hates going to the farm but it's something she has to do to help provide for the family, however it would be so much easier for her to go to work every day if she could put on a uniform and do what she's passionate about.

2. After highschool I'm moving in with my cousin and sister in Coquitlam where I'm gonna work a full time job until January. In January I plan on going to Douglas College and taking some courses to upgrade so I can later apply for other courses at Douglas College. Next year in September I'm going to apply to Douglas college and major in criminiology and minor in psychology to get a Bachelor's degree. Then after graduation I'm going to apply at a police force where I will attend police academy, and work as a 4th class constable. After I graduate from there I hope to get assigned to entry-level work of a constable. I'm going to have to work for 3 years as a police officer before I can ask to work as a detective, which is what I'm hoping to become. 

Novel Research

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" was written by Karl Stig-Erland Larsson or better known as Stieg Larsson, a Swedish journalist and writer, born August 15, 1954. Stieg Larsson changed his name from Stig to Stieg to avoid confusion with his friend who was also named Stig Larsson and who was also an author. The name change was decided by a coin toss in which Stieg Larsson lost. Larsson was initially a political activist for the Communist Workers League a photographer and a science fiction fanatic. As a science fiction enthusiast Larsson first started off writing science fiction fanzines (amateur magazines) in 1971. Stieg Larsson founded the Swedish Expo Foundation, which was made to counteract the growth of the extreme right and stop racism in schools.  In 1991 his research of right-wing extremism in Sweden led to his first book, "Right-Wing Extremism". He then began exposing Swedish extreme right and racist organizations. In 1977, Stieg Larsson trained a squad of female Eritrean People's Liberation Front guerrillas in the use of grenade launchers. He developed a kidney disease and was later forced to quit. When he returned to Sweden, he worked at the largest Swedish news agency as a graphic designer. Stieg Larsson died November 4, 2004 from climbing 7 flights of stairs to his office due to a broken lift which led to a heart attack. After his death manuscripts were found of three completed but unpublished novels in a series. He wrote them for his own pleasure in the evening when he returned from work and never tried to get them published until right before his death. The first of the three novels, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", originally named "Men Who Hate Women" was published in 2005. The book was awarded the glass key award as the best Nordic crime novel of 2005. The second novel, "The Girl Who Played With Fire" got the best Swedish crime novel award in 2006. And the third novel of the series was called "The Air Castle That Was Blown Up" and was published in America as "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest" in May 2010. A fourth novel was left un-finished, his partner, Eva Gabrielsson is going to continue writing the novel on Larssons's behalf. After Stieg Larsson's death there was contraversy between Eva Gabrielsson and Larssons father and brother. A will was found stating that Stieg Larsson's money be donated to the Umea branch of the Communist Workers League, however since there were no witnesses when the will was written all of Larsson's assets went to his father and brother. Eva Gabrielsson and Stieg Larsson wanted to get married but couldn't because of a law that stated a married couple had to make their address publicly known. Due to Larsson's involvement in politics, having his address known would have been a security risk, so the two never married, but Eva Gabrielsson argued that some of her lovers money should have gone to her. When Stieg Larsson was 15 years of age he witnessed a girl by the name of Lisbeth getting gang raped, he never forgave himself for not stepping in and helping her. However the tragic rape became his inspiration for his novels and the reason why violence and abuse against women was such an important issue for him.

Writing a Review

Unicorns are amazing. They are the most majestic creatures in the whole world although some may argue that they don't even exist. A horse with a horn on its head is the most beautiful thing anybody could possibly conjure up. Not only are they beautiful to look at but they weild a magic power. Their magic power is unsure to the people of this world. In Harry Potter if one were to drink the blood of a unicorn they would live for the rest of eternity, even though they would live a cursed life it would be a magical thing of course to live for eternity. Unicorns make the world a better place, nothing excites a child or even an adult more than when someone yells "LOOK, IT'S A UNICORN". I cannot even make up a negative thing to say about unicorns. Remember when Ralph from the simpsons stuck an ice cream cone on his forehead and said "look, I'm a unitard" and the joy in his eyes? That joy is the joy of the unicorn.