Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The road less traveled

1. As a female from India my mom knew that she was meant to get married and have kids and the only job in her future was taking care of her family. When I asked her what she wanted to do with her life as a child she said she never thought about it seeing how it was pointless to want something that she thought she couldn't have. My mom works at a farm now and everyday she has to drag herself out of bed and force herself to go work in the sun with mosquitos and spiders picking grapes and other painfully boring and repetitive tasks. So I asked her what she would rather be now instead of an orchard worker and she said more than anything she would love to be a police officer for the uniform. Its hard to make yourself do something if you know you dont want to especially if you know that there's something else you'de rather be doing. I believe passion is very important when it comes to choosing a career path. A job isn't just something you're going to do for one day it's something that you have to work hard in and do every day for a long time. My mom hates going to the farm but it's something she has to do to help provide for the family, however it would be so much easier for her to go to work every day if she could put on a uniform and do what she's passionate about.

2. After highschool I'm moving in with my cousin and sister in Coquitlam where I'm gonna work a full time job until January. In January I plan on going to Douglas College and taking some courses to upgrade so I can later apply for other courses at Douglas College. Next year in September I'm going to apply to Douglas college and major in criminiology and minor in psychology to get a Bachelor's degree. Then after graduation I'm going to apply at a police force where I will attend police academy, and work as a 4th class constable. After I graduate from there I hope to get assigned to entry-level work of a constable. I'm going to have to work for 3 years as a police officer before I can ask to work as a detective, which is what I'm hoping to become. 

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